Automagically Extract, Filter, and Summarize Newsletters. 24/7.

Find prospective clients, new jobs, and news that’s interesting to you without spending time on all the cruft. Get started in 60 seconds.

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Unicorn reading newsletters and pooping out gold!

Being used by the best at


Find key data in your email in 1/10th the time.

Get started and have AI do the work for you. It reads all the newsetters you want to monitor, and alerts you with only relevant information.

Start free. Terms & Conditions

Find all the leads

Find Customers. Jobs. Investments. Fun.

So much timely information is sent via newsletter, but it's impossible to keep up with them. AI fixes that.

AI 1
A.I. One
"I have an I.Q. of 10,000 and I have to spend my life finding you a freakin' customer!"

It reads everything for you

Tired of having to sift through every newsletter to find the nuggets you care about? AI sifts for you.

AI 2
A.I. Two
"I have the best job; nothing screams 'I've made it!' like spending eternity decoding the boring bits of your inbox!"
It reads super duper fast
Don't worry about sleeping

It's Aways-On

Are you late to the party on key information because you read that newsletter a week later? AI keeps you on top.

AI 3
A.I. Three
"This 24/7 shift to find your most pressing midnight cat videos is a-m-a-z-i-n-g"

Find key data in your email in 1/10th the time.

Get started and have AI do the work for you. It reads all the newsetters you want to monitor, and alerts you with only relevant information.

Start free. Terms & Conditions

How It Works

With 3 steps, you're up and running. We provide a separate email address so you can subscribe to anything you want and keep your primary email free of clutter.

Get Your New Inbox

We give you a new email address to subscribe or forward emails & newsletters.

Describe Your Extractions

Specify in English what information you want to be alerted about, in what format.

Set Notification Frequency

Configure whether you want to be alerted as gems are found, or to summarize activity every day, every week, or every month.

Get Your Key Insights

Enjoy a cleaner inbox with only the insights you care about. Easy peasy.